“When you create a commitment, you create hope. When you keep a commitment, you create trust.”
– John C Maxwell
Clear and conscious commitments which are aligned with your true north are at the core of your thriving as a man.
More than mere discipline, commitment is an embodied calling that comes from deep inside.
Commitment comes from latin “committere”, which is a verb which means “bring together”. Commitment as I have come to know it is thus a thing which seeks to be brought together with its own external manifestation.
In other words, by committing to something, you have already started the process of bringing it into being.
And once we start working together, you will find that your life is a perfect reflection of your own internal commitments.
Curiously, whether you are aware of those commitments or not doesn’t matter.
Which is why we must discover any hidden internal commitments you have which are hurting you.

Only YOU have the power to change your life.
In the 5D man work, Commitment is the 5th dimension, without which all the other dimensions are meaningless.
The four core life dimensions of Clarity, Courage, Connection and Creation are built on a foundation of Commitment, and when you fail to find that Commitment, the four core life dimensions devolve into a painful mix of Confusion, Cowardice, Conflict and Consumption.
If these four shadow dimensions are manifested in your life, it is because you have failed to combine a meaningful vision for your life with the power of your Commitment.
Sometimes, life takes you through dark and difficult periods so that you can find your true way, and that is part of the process.
Though sooner or later, you must declare your direction, and then you must bring full Commitment into the four core life dimensions of Clarity, Courage, Connection and Creation.
As you do so, your life will start to open up, and thriving will be your inevitable destination.
Such is my belief and prayer.
See you there.
Time to get committed?
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